Sunday, November 11, 2007

Just My Luck

There was one thing I failed to mention in my previous post and wanted to take a minute to jot down now...

Cary played at Mount St. Mary's University, which is a Catholic school. I have never stepped foot onto a Catholic Campus, and what little I know about the Catholic faith is what I have learned from the daytime television soap opera, "Days Of Our Lives." Just a guess, but I'd venture to say that's not the most educational way to learn. ;)

I was unfamiliar with the campus, so I drove up early to find the building where the show would be had later that night. I had to ask directions several different times, because each person's ideas on how to get there were less than helpful. Nice people, but terrible at giving directions.

That is, until I met Thomas. :)

Thomas was standing outside the Seminary building, and I stopped to ask him for directions. He didn't know where the building was, but told me that up front and offered to walk with me until I found it. We stopped and asked a priest, and he was uncertain of where it was, also. We kept walking, and saw another student who was on the phone. Thomas interrupted the student's phone call and the student happily pointed us in the right direction. We walked around back to where Purcell Hall was located and since we had reached my destination, Thomas and I said goodbye and parted ways. He was really cute and had a great smile, very friendly, and I realized later....Will make a great PRIEST! Guys that go to Seminary become PRIESTS...


So much for my run in with the cute Catholic boy who is interested in theology and art! Isn't that just my luck?

1 comment:

Bethy said...

HAHA!! What is with you and men of the cloth, at least one type that you are interested in eventually are able to start dating. When 2 years is up I mean. ;) Love you