Friday, July 4, 2008


You know what's ironic? I think Scott Peterson is innocent of the crimes he is incarcerated for, yet when I read Sharon Rocha's (Laci Peterson's Mom) book "For Laci" I can't stop tears from rolling down my cheeks.

The whole story just makes me sad.

Sometimes I long to have lived in simpler times.

1 comment:

A Voice of Sanity said...

Scott himself also cried when the police confirmed that Laci and Conner were dead. I'm sure his parents did as well. And you are correct, he did not commit this crime. To see what the evidence actually is, go look at
to see what the prosecution had - which was nonsense.
Then look at
to see what the real circumstantial evidence in this case actually proved. 18 items of evidence for fetal abduction. Zero for uxoricide.