So, I apparently had a virus on my computer, causing it to do all kinds of crazy things, such as not allow Internet Explorer or Foxfire to load, programs running slow, etc. I took my laptop to Best Buy to have Geek Squad check it out. They agreed that it was a virus and said it was most likely caused from a firesharing program I had installed. They suggested I buy an external hard drive, save all of my files to it, then bring the computer back in so they could delete the hard drive and reinstall the operating system....
So I did that...
And now I regret it.
I have to reinstall all of my programs (and I didn't realize I had so many!) some of which I can't even find the CD FOR anymore....
For example... Today I took advantage of the blue sky, sunshine and beautiful autumn leaves and went to a nearby trail to take pictures. When I got home, I immediately went over to my computer to upload my pictures (one of my favorite hobbies) so that I could edit them and post them online. Much to my dismay, I had forgotten that neither my camera software NOR my editing software were installed on this newly cleaned and refurbished computer. I went to go look for my camera's software CD so I could get on my way with my photo editing, but had no such luck finding said software. And I looked EVERYWHERE. Twice!
So I called Canon and ordered a new disc. They are $19.95, plus I had to pay for shipping+handling, so total it came to around $27.00.... And it won't be here til next week.
ALL THIS because Geek Squad suggested reinstalling my OS. FYI, if Geek Squad ever tells you, "We will have to delete your hard drive and reinstall your OS" it TRANSLATES TO, "We really have NO CLUE what's wrong, so we'll just delete everything and let you start over."
Take it from me, folks....It's NOT the solution.