Wednesday, November 7, 2007

My adventure as an ER patient that started as a hospital VISITOR.

Yes, you read that right. I went to the hospital today to visit someone and I ended up in the ER.
While I was sitting in the hall while the doctor was talking to my friend, I started having trouble breathing. The simple task of breathing was causing tremendous pain to shoot through my chest and back. That tends to be a problem when it comes to something vital like getting oxygen. ;) I talked to the nurse at the desk near where I was, and she sent me down to the ER.

I walked up to the desk and was admitted immediately. They did an EKG, took some X-Rays and did some blood work. I was freaking out and on the verge of tears, I was so scared.

Then, a male nurse named John came into my curtained off area... I couldn't believe how quickly he got me to calm down. He put his hand on my shoulder, and ... wow... I won't go into tons of detail, but let's just say I was thankful this particular nurse was on staff tonight, because he helped me get through it.

In the end, I am okay. I am back home now, thankfully.

I love you all!

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